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Organic Fertilizer PRECOGROW

Organo-Mineral concentrate intended for plant growth stimulation

What Is Organic Fertilizer PRECOGROW?

Peat-Sapropel Concentrate PRECOGROW is a humic organic fertilizer that improves soil, plants, and crops.

It reduces pesticides, increases yield and nutrition, and is both profitable and environmentally friendly.

Peat-Sapropel Concentrate

PRECOGROW triggers a self-regulating and self-developing natural mechanism of well-balanced ecological interaction between the soil and the plant, undoubtedly recreating a favorable and productive ecosystem.

It reduces the concentration of harmful chemicals that have a negative impact on the environment.

Your profit grows
with your crop yield!

The chart shows some examples of yield enhancement for different crops after using PRECOGROW.

According to the results of field trials conducted by PRECOFERT, PRECOGROW can increase crop yield by up to 49% compared to control plots.


Peat-sapropel concentrate is 10-15 times richer in humic acids, microelements and vitamins than natural sapropel and peat!

The ingredients are sourced from clean and natural locations, such as mountain lakes and pristine deposits, far from any industrial or urban pollution. The products consist solely of organic and eco-friendly elements: lake sapropel, low-moor peat, and lake water. A NATURAL TREASURE!

Dr. Pavel Malyshev


How Organic Fertilizer Increases Crop Yield

The compound of PRECOGROW

Mass fraction of organic substance, %: ≥85 
Density, g/cm3: ≥ 1.05-1.1 
Humidity, %: 85-90 
Acidity, pH: 7.5-9.5 
State: liquid

The homogeneous product does not settle or delaminate into fractions, providing an optimal ratio for introducing our fertilizer into the soil. Humic acids and humates enable the attainment of beneficial effects on the soil, seeds, and plants, including:


In combination with NPK compounds, PRECOGROW allows for more efficient and safe nutrient delivery to the plants. It is possible not only to prevent the loss of the concentration of natural elements in the soil but also to accumulate them. 

When used in conjunction with mineral fertilizers, it is possible to reduce the volume of their application by up to 50%. 

On highly saline soils, the application of NPK fertilizers can even be excluded. 

PRECOGROW helps improve nutrient intake and feed efficiency.



Best Natural Fertilizers - PRECOGROW

One of the most challenging dilemmas facing farmers is how to maximize agricultural yield while preserving soil fertility and minimizing environmental damage.

Farmers are continually seeking organic and natural alternatives that can enhance crop productivity without compromising soil health.

PRECOGROW stands out as the ultimate fertilizer, crafted from peat-sapropel concentrate, a rich source of humic acids, humates, and humins.

These components are among the most potent natural enhancers for soil fertility and plant growth, and they are harnessed in the formulation of PRECOGROW.

Derived from natural peat and sapropel deposits, formed over thousands of years through the decomposition of organic matter, these substances contribute significantly to the efficacy of PRECOGROW.

It is also harmless for humans, animals, and the environment as it contains no toxic chemicals or pathogens.

Organic Farming Fertilizers

Organic Fertilizer for Large-Scale Agriculture and Farming

PRECOGROW can be used for cereals, oilseeds, legumes, vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, herbs, flowers, ornamentals, trees, shrubs, mushrooms, cannabis, spices, and more. 

The fertilizer can increase crop yield by up to 50%, improve crop quality by up to 30%, and reduce production costs by up to 40%. PRECOGROW can help you achieve organic certification and meet the growing demand for organic products.

Organic Houseplant Fertilizer

Natural Fertilizer for Indoor Plants

PRECOGROW can be used with houseplants, potted plants, balcony plants, hydroponics, aeroponics, and other cultivation methods.

PRECOGROW helps improve the health, appearance, and resilience of your indoor plants, creating a comfortable and peaceful environment in your home or office.

Organic Lawn Fertilizer

What is The Best Organic Fertilizer for Lawn?

PRECOGROW is suitable for turfgrass, ornamental grasses, ground coverings, flowers, shrubs, and trees, among other things. The fertilizer can make your lawn thicker, greener, more uniform, and more resistant to weeds, diseases, insects, droughts, frosts, and mowing.

PRECOGROW can help you create a stunning and inviting landscape for your property.

Organic Fertilizer For Gardens

How to use Natural Fertilizers for Garden Plants?

PRECOGROW can be used to grow strawberries and other berries, as well as vegetables, fruits, herbs, flowers, and ornamental plants, trees, and shrubs. 

PRECOGROW increases productivity, diversity, color, and flavor of your garden, assisting you in turning gardening into a hobby or a source of revenue.

Peat-Sapropel Concentrate


Mass fraction of organic substance, %: ≥85
Density, g/cm3: ≥ 1.05-1.1
Humidity, %: 85-90
Acidity, pH: 7.3-9.5
State: liquid

Crop, Carnivorous plant, Cactuses, Cannabis, Hemp, Seeds, Roots, Plants, Trees and bushes, Mushrooms, Lawn, Grass, Date Palms, Flowers, Eatable flowers, Microgreen, House plants, Fruit trees, Strawberries, Berries, Grapevines, Maize, Poppy, Wheat, Barley, Triticale, Hops, Alfalfa, Nutrition forage crops, Hydroponic, Greenhouses, Vertical farms, Soil enhancer, Compost booster.

from 1200 Kč

Advantages and Disadvantages
of Organic Fertilizers


Fertilizer peat


Seed soaking

Soaking seeds

A budget-friendly alternative to expensive microfertilizers. Seed soaking in peat-sapropel concentrate boosts seed germination, vigor, and health. It also improves seedling resistance to diseases and pests and can be used in two ways: soaking and spraying.

Crop seeding and fertilization

PRECOGROW boosts the overall yield while reducing crop loss and failure. Fertilizing plants and planting crops with peat-sapropel concentrate provides essential nutrients, humic compounds, and beneficial microorganisms. Additionally, it enhances soil structure, water retention, and aeration. 

Wake seeds gently and prepare them neatly before seedlings with PRECOGROW soaking.


The most cost-effective and recommended approach for putting beneficial compounds to use. Plants’ uptake of nitrogen-rich fertilizers and other mineral compounds can be increased by spraying with peat-sapropel concentrate. It can also boost plant photosynthesis, respiration, and metabolism.

Compost activator

Peat-sapropel concentrate is used to make your own compost from organic waste. It increases the rate of decomposition, adds microelements, and humic compounds to the compost, enhancing its efficacy and quality.

Compost activator

A Resource-Saving Technology


The technology of using peat and sapropel as a soil fertilizer saves resources, boosts soil quality, and accelerates plant development. The usage of PRECOGROW expands the product range while saving raw materials, energy, and other resources.

Restoration of depleted soils


Neutralization of salts

Increase seed germination

Improving plant immunity

Increasing the biological value

Maintaining healthy ecosystem

Restoring soil acidity

Activation of plant growth

Application and Dosage

Extremely acidic<4.5Swamp soil, low-moor peat5.0
Strongly acidic4.6-5.3Peat and coniferous soil4.0
Slightly acidic5.4-6.3Heather and sod soil3.5
Neutral6.4-7.3Mulch and leaf soil2.5
Slightly alkaline7.4-8.0Carbonate soil2.0
Moderately alkaline8.1-8.5Carbonate soil1.5
Strongly alkaline>8.5Carbonate soil1.0

In combination with mineral fertilizers, it’s possible to reduce the volume of their application by 30% to 50%. On highly saline soils, the application of NPK fertilizers can be replaced or even excluded.

Regulations on the Use of Peat-Sapropel Fertilizer “PRECOGROW”

FAQ About Peat-Sapropel Fertilizer

What is peat-sapropel humic fertilizer, and how does it promote soil remediation?

Peat-sapropel humic fertilizer PRECOGROW is a natural product made from organic peat and sapropel deposits. It contains humic and fulvic acids, chelated humates, L-amino acids, and micro- and marconutrients. These compounds help in the restoration of depleted  and salinized soils by improving soil structure, increasing microbial activity, and boosting nutrient retention.

Peat-sapropel fertilizer gives plants a well-balanced combination of nutrients and organic substances, which promotes plant growth. These boost strong root growth, improve nutrient uptake, and raise overall plant health, which leads to stronger, faster-growing plants and increased yields.

Yes, peat-sapropel humic fertilizer contains natural compounds that help boost plant immunity and resistance to pests and diseases. By strengthening plant cell walls and activating defense mechanisms, it acts as a protective barrier, reducing the risk of pest infestations, fungal infections, drought, and abiotic stress.

Application and Dosage Recommendations
for Each Crop and Treatment Period

Pre-sowing irrigation and post-harvest ploughing: Dilute 1 l to 200 l of water Consumption: 2 l per ha.

Soil preparation for seedlings: Dilute 1 l of the product in 20 l of water and mix evenly with 100 kg soil.

Treatment of seeds and bulbs before planting: Dilute the product 1:10 with water when spraying and 1:20 when soaking. After treatment, dry to the moisture required for sowing. Consumption: 2 liters per metric ton of seed/bulbs.

Soaking seedling root system: Dilute 1:20 with water Allow to soak for 3-5 hours.

Treatment seeds of shrubs and trees: Dilute 1:20 with water. Allow to soak for 12-36 hours.

Root watering: Dilute 1:100 (0.1 l on 10 l water). Water once every 2 weeks. Consumption: 10-30 ml per tree. Foliar spray application: Dilute 1:200 with water. Application once a month. Consumption starts at 1 l per 1 ha. More info about application on crops see on the link.

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