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Humic feed additive by PRECOFERT

Feed Additive PRECOCARE

Organo-Mineral concentrate for boosting animal weight and health

What Is Organic Feed Additive PRECOCARE?

Peat-Sapropel Concentrate PRECOCARE is a humic feed additive in farm poultry and livestock diets.

Production and technology are based on a respectful relationship with natural resources, with the goal of restoring and supporting a healthy ecosystem.


Peat-Sapropel Concentrate Organic Feed Additive PRECOCARE

Peat-Sapropel Concentrate PRECOCARE is a humic feed additive for farm poultry and livestock diets, designed to accelerate growth. Boost production with Precocare!

PRECOCARE is tried and tested in lab conditions with 100% natural ingredients and no harmful additives.

Your profit grows
with your animals’ weight!

Feed Additives PRECOCARE

Boost growth with the feed additive PRECOCARE! 

Peat-Sapropel Concentrate is an organic humic feed additive that improves the natural processes of growth, immunity, and metabolism in animals, resulting in higher weight gain and productivity. It also minimizes the risk of diseases and infection by strengthening the immune system and gut bacteria.


Peat-sapropel concentrate is 10-15 times richer in humic acids, microelements and vitamins than natural sapropel and peat!

The ingredients are sourced from clean and natural locations, such as mountain lakes and pristine deposits, far from any industrial or urban pollution. The products consist solely of organic and eco-friendly elements: lake sapropel, low-moor peat, and lake water. A NATURAL TREASURE!

Dr. Pavel Malyshev

CEO • PRECOFERT s. r. o.

How Humic Additives Benefit Livestock Health and Productivity

Humic additives are a cost-effective and natural solution for animal husbandry

A Natural Feed Additive that Increases Animal Weight and Product Quality

One of the primary challenges in animal farming is optimizing the growth and quality of animals without compromising their health and welfare. Many traditional feed additives come with negative side effects, such as antibiotic resistance, pollution, and a lack of consumer trust. Consequently, there is a need for natural and safe alternatives that can enhance animal performance and product quality.

PRECOCARE is a natural feed additive containing a unique blend of plant extracts, minerals, and probiotics. It is designed to improve the digestive health and immune system of animals, resulting in higher weight gain and improved product quality. PRECOCARE has been tested on pigs, cattle, horses, and poultry, demonstrating remarkable results in terms of weight gain and other benefits. The table below summarizes the main effects of PRECOCARE on different animal species

PRECOCARE as a feed additive
Weight Gain and Other Benefits with PRECOCARE*


Weight Gain

Other Benefits

Pigs10-15% higher than averageHigher profitability ratio and improved feed conversion
Cows10-12% higher than averageHigher milk yield and fat content, lower liver illness
Poultry9-18% higher than averageHigher egg production and quality, lower mortality

* — based on conducted trials

How to Reduce Animal Mortality and Veterinary Expenses with a Natural Feed Additive

Feed additive cows

Farmers can increase their profits and sustainability by using PRECOCARE as a feed supplement, effectively lowering both animal mortality and veterinary expenses.

The table below provides examples of how PRECOCARE has lowered mortality and decreased expenses for pigs, cows, calves, and poultry. The data are derived from real-world experiences with PRECOCARE in various farms and regions.

The outcomes of applying PRECOCARE are compared to the average results obtained using standard feed or no additives.

Therefore, PRECOCARE serves as a natural feed supplement that significantly reduces animal mortality and veterinary costs. It proves to be a safe and effective alternative for animal farmers aiming to increase output and profitability.

Scientific studies are currently underway to validate the full impact of PRECOCARE on animal health and mortality. These findings will be available shortly.

Mortality Reduction and Veterinary Savings with PRECOCARE*


Mortality Reduction

Veterinary Savings

Pigs2-3 times lower than averageUp to 50% less than average
Cows2-4 times lower than averageUp to 40% less than average
Poultry2-4 times lower than averageUp to 30% less than average

*based on conducted trials

How To Apply Organic Feed Additives PRECOCARE

Nutritional efficiency improves by 10–20%* when using a 0.2% solution of the PRECOCARE humic additive in the diet of livestock and poultry.

This means you can get 5–12% more live weight, achieve 13–18% less mortality, and require 5–10% less feed per weight gain unit, all with the same feed, labor, and conditions. Moreover, it enhances the resistance of animals and poultry to environmental stress and feed toxins. It supports the optimization of nutrient intake and feed efficiency.

*Based on conducted trials.

Precocare feed additives cows

Organic Cattle Feed Addivites

The test group of dairy cows that received PRECOCARE peat-sapropel concentrate showed improvement in their blood parameters. The following changes were observed:

  • Hemoglobin increased by 4.03%
  • Hematocrit increased by 7.9%
  • Erythrocytes increased by 35.21%

These modifications show that the PRECOCARE triggered the hemopoiesis process. The tested group’s biological indicators were within norms; higher levels of urea and creatinine indicate better liver function, while lower glucose indicated better stress tolerance.

Previous studies have proven the beneficial impacts of PRECOCARE on immune system regulation, productivity, stress tolerance, and detoxification.

Therefore, assuming that the breeding conditions remain the same, it can be confirmed that feeding dairy cows with PRECOCARE peat-sapropel concentrate improves their hematological and biochemical blood profiles.

Feed additives horses

Organic Feed Additives For Horses

Positive dynamics arise in the immune status after PRECOCARE is introduced into the diet of horses. The changes in biochemical parameters revealed the following patterns:

  • The adsorption qualities of the feed additive components reduced the harmful effects on the liver, as seen by the test group’s 9.7% lower ALT than the control group.
  • The test group’s reduction in bicarbonates is smaller by 23.3%, suggesting that the peat-sapropel concentrate helps the organism fight the symptoms of acidosis.
  • Creatinine levels in the test group range from 119,9 to 2,0 and rise by 25.2%; in the control group, they fall by 12.1%. Such a change within the normal range can be attributed to higher muscle activity and an overall improvement in the animal’s welfare.
  • The urea in the test group is 31.3% lower (less than 19.9% that in the control group) in combination with increased total protein, indicating higher protein synthesis.

This can also result in boosted muscle activity of horses, as well as a beneficial effect of PRECOCARE on the animals’ bodies.

Organic Feed Additives in Pig Farming

Organic Feed Additives in Pig Farming

Organic feed additives for pigs have the following advantages:

  • They improve feed digestion and utilization, lower feed conversion ratios, and lower feed costs per kilogram of weight gain.
  • They improve pig growth performance, carcass quality, and meat yield, as well as lean meat percentage and prevent fat accumulation.
  • They help pigs’ immune systems and natural resilience to illnesses, parasites, and stress, as well as reducing the need for antibiotics and other medications.
  • They boost pig reproductive performance, raise litter size and piglet survival rates, and boost sow milk output and quality.
  • They reduce ammonia and methane emissions from pig dung, which benefits the environment.
  • They reduce pig manure ammonia and methane emissions, which benefits the environment and human health.

As a result, organic pig feed additives are an effective and safe solution to maximize pig husbandry with making high-quality pork that satisfies market demand.

Feed additives in sheep farming

Organic Feed Аdditives in Sheep Farming

Organic sheep feed additives have the following effects on wool:

  • They boost sheep wool productivity and weight, as well as wool fiber diameter and length.
  • They improve the color, brightness, softness, and elasticity of wool while lowering the oil and dirt content.
  • They improve the resistance of wool to breakage, abrasion, and felting, as well as the processing and dyeing qualities of wool.
  • They prevent wool loss caused by parasites, diseases, and stress, as well as wool contamination caused by harmful substances.

As a result, organic feed additives for sheep are an effective and safe way to boost the quality and quantity of wool.


Organic Feed Additives for Poultry

Several research articles that compare the effects of organic feed additives and antibiotics on poultry health, performance, and product safety provide a solution to this topic.

Organic feed additives provide the following advantages over antibiotics:

  • Antibiotic resistance in poultry pathogens or human consumers, which is a major public health concern, is not caused by them.
  • They do not leave traces of antibiotics in poultry products, which can have a negative impact on human health and trigger allergic reactions.
  • They have a broader range of activity against bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses that can affect poultry.
  • They have a positive impact on poultry intestinal microbiota, which can improve digestion, immunity, nutrient absorption, and metabolism.
  • They have a favorable ecological effect as they reduce greenhouse gas emissions from poultry manure and antibiotic pollution of soil and water.

As a result, organic poultry feed additives are a greater alternative to antibiotics in poultry production since they boost poultry health, performance, product quality, and environmental sustainability.

Organic Feed Аdditives for Broiler Chickens

PRECOCARE contains humic compounds, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements.

It stimulates digestion, immune system, growth, and meat quality. It also decreases ammonia and methane emissions from poultry manure, protects against vitamin and mineral deficits, and boosts broiler stress resistance and reproductive performance.

Hence, using organic feed additives in broiler chickens is a safe and efficient solution to maximize poultry production and provide high-quality, sustainable poultry products.

How to Add PRECOCARE to Animal Feed?

Mixing PRECOCARE with Dry Feed Ingredients.

Precocare can be mixed directly with all types of dry feed ingredients on farms during daily feed preparation in feed mixers or feeding systems for (dairy) cattle.

Spraying PRECOCARE on Industrial Made Feed

This method reduces odor and ammonia concentration in animal housing, improving air quality. It is applicable to farm animals kept on bedding or litter, including poultry, pigs, or rabbits. The process requires a sprayer capable of applying PRECOCARE evenly and safely to the bedding or litter.
Precocare Krmivo Aditiv Postřik na Krmivo

Dissolving PRECOCARE in Water and Adding It to the Drinking Water of Animals

This method allows a continuous intake of PRECOCARE by the animals and improves their hydration levels. This method is easy and convenient for farm use, as it does not require any special equipment or processing. However, it may not be suitable for all types of animals or water sources, as some animals may not drink enough water.

Spraying PRECOCARE on the surface of Ready-Made Industrial Pelleted, Extruded, or Granulated Feed.

This method enhances the palatability and attractiveness of the feed while preventing dust formation. It can be employed by both feed manufacturers and farmers, depending on the availability and convenience of the equipment. The process requires a sprayer capable of applying PRECOCARE evenly and safely onto the feed.

Soaking Feed in a Solution of PRECOCARE Before Feeding.

This method increases the solubility and bioavailability of PRECOCARE in the feed, enhancing its absorption by the animals. It is suitable for farmers who prepare their own feed on the farm, as it does not require any special equipment or processing. However, it may not be suitable for all types of feed or animals, as some feed may become too wet, and some animals may prefer dry feed.

Advantages of PRECOCARE Feed Additives


PRECOCARE has various advantages over generic livestock and poultry feed additives.

Made from Natural Ingredients

PRECOCARE produced using organic materials that are safe for both animals and humans.

PRECOCARE does not contain synthetic chemicals, hormones, antibiotics, or GMOs that could harm animal health or consumer safety.

PRECOCARE does not contain prohibited doping classes of substances.

It also helps animals’ immune systems and digestive health, increasing their resistance to disease and feed efficiency.

PRECOCARE is Rich in Humic & Fulvic Acids

Our feed additive has various biological benefits. Humic acids can bind to toxins, heavy metals, radionuclides, and pathogens in the digestive tract of animals and eliminate them from the body.

Humic acids can also modulate the immune system of animals by stimulating the production of antibodies, cytokines, and macrophages.

Provides Essential Microelements

PRECOCARE contains microelements required for a healthy animal.

Trace elements can participate in a variety of metabolic processes that are required for the creation of DNA, RNA, proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates in animals, such as oxidation-reduction, methylation, carboxylation, and phosphorylation.

Microelements can also act as catalysts for enzymes, hormones, and vitamins that control animal metabolism.

Source of Vitamins

Vitamins are vital for the metabolism of animals.

Vitamins can support the energy production, nervous system function, blood formation, vision health, skin health, bone health, and reproductive welfare of animals.

Vitamins can also prevent vitamin deficiencies that can cause various diseases in animals.

Rich in Essential Amino Acids

Amino acids are essential for protein synthesis in animals.

They can improve the growth performance, muscle development, carcass quality, and meat yield of animals.

Amino acids can also regulate hormonal balance, enzyme activity, neurotransmitter function, and gene expression in animals.

Enriches Animal Feed with Minerals

Minerals are vital for animal physiological well-being.

Minerals can help animals maintain their acid-base balance and bone formation.

They can also prevent illnesses and are present in a sufficient quantity in the PRECOCARE compound.

Peat-Sapropel Concentrate


Mass fraction of organic substance, %: ≥85
Density, g/cm3: ≥ 1.05-1.1
Humidity, %: 85-90
Acidity, pH: 7.3-9.5
State: liquid

Cattle, Cows, Inseminating bulls, Calves, Pigs, Inseminating boars, Poultry, Pets, Horses, Camels, Rabbits, Goats and Sheep.

from 1200 Kč

PRECOCARE can be used for various types of animals

Application and Dosage for Animals

Daily norm, ml/kg bodyweightServing time/break Period
Pregnant cows 30 days before calving0.5 ml with food15 days / 10 days
Cash cows0.5 ml with feed, with silage15 days / 10 days
Calves 2-6 months0.5 ml with food15 days / 10 days
Calves from 10 days to 2 months0.4 ml with skimmed milk, porridge60 days
Suckling piglets0.4 ml with milk, porridge15 days / 10 days
Weaned piglets0.5 ml with food15 days / 10 days
Pregnant sows 4-5 weeks before piglet litter0.5 ml with foodwithin 60 days
Pregnant sheep, goats0.5 ml with feed, with silage15 days / 10 days
Lambs, kids up to 4 months0.4 ml with food15 days / 10 days
Goats 4-8 months0.5 ml with food15 days / 10 days
Horses, camels2 ml with food28 days / 28 days
Rabbits0.4 ml with food15 days / 10 days
Chickens – broilers2 l per 1000 litres of drinking waterthroughout the breeding period
Hens – laying hens2 l per 1000 litres of drinking water30 days / 7 days
Turkey, ducks, geese, ostriches2 l per 1000 litres of drinking water30 days / 7 days

FAQ About Peat-Sapropel Feed Additives

How does peat-sapropel humic feed additive help with growth acceleration?

Peat-sapropel humic feed additive PRECOCARE is a natural supplement derived from organic peat and sapropel deposits. It contains essential nutrients, vitamins, and bioactive compounds that promote rapid growth in animals and pultry by improving nutrient absorption, supporting muscle development, and boosting overall vitality.

Yes, humic feed additive PRECOCARE is a safe and environmentally friendly option for animal nutrition. It’s derived from natural, renewable sources and does not contain any synthetic additives, antibiotics, or hormones, making it suitable for use in organic farming systems and environmentally conscious animal husbandry practices. It is also GMO and Doping free.

Yes, peat-sapropel humic feed additive contains bioactive substances that support immune system function in animals and poultry. It stimulates animal immunity by increasing immune cell activity, increasing antibody synthesis, and reducing oxidative stress, meaning boosted resistance to pathogens, infections, and environmental stresses.

Regulations On The Use Of Peat-Sapropel Feed Additives “PRECOCARE”

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